Social Impact

Carrington House and Coaching Communities

The Coaching Communities framework maps across social impact objectives, providing a rigour and connectivity with complementary health agendas that offer sustainable and compound growth for all beneficiaries. We look at how sport creates benefits for Employability that can be used in Apprenticeships, we measure how physical activity can improve your mental and physical health, and we also investigate how older members of the community can improve their mental health.

One of the essential aspects of this development programme is health and wellbeing as highlighted in A Sporting Future, that contributes to wider benefits for the local community, for participants, non-participants and partner organisations. Each component delivers benefits referred to in the sections below:

The benefits

Aggregating all these different benefits provides the true Social Value that the funders will assess, as described in the Sporting Future 2015 reference above:

Key social groups that funders are keen to support are young people, women and older members of communities. Today’s young people present a different set of challenges from previous generations, in that research from the Youth Sport Trust indicates there is a growing problem in the very young. Addressing issues relating to obesity, diabetes ii, cancers and osteoporosis for young females, through more active lifestyles, can contribute significant additional income streams through increased day-time usage.

As cognitive function declines with advancing age, engaging with older members of the community has the capacity, to promote a physically active lifestyle and play an important role in reducing and potentially reversing declines, including Dementia. Whilst there is a profound moral justification for focusing on these social groups, accessing social investment for facilities, also creates a balanced programme through alternative groups needing access.

A successful community partnership will need to provide an elegant solution to addressing social challenges in an innovative way by generating a scalable format that will satisfy the requirements of community, business partners and social investors.

We provide an innovative approach to the development of community, focussing on the social impact generated, by a future-proofed sustainable health and wellbeing hub, operating as a social enterprise. This strategic direction continues to deliver the social benefits created, in line with the collective objectives of the community strategy.

Social Impact

The Marmot Review is an ongoing research programme that began in 2010 when Professor Sir Richard Marmot was invited by the then government to investigate, what has now become known as the ‘social determinants of health’. The conclusion that the review process drew was that social circumstances have a direct and unequal effect on the health of individuals and communities; and conversely poor health affects life chances offered to those in deprived areas of the country. Therefore improving the health and wellbeing of communities has the capacity to reverse the decline in life expectancy and the inequities in income and employment found in disadvantaged communities.

Indices of Deprivation Weighting Social Impact Improvements
Income Deprivation 22.5% The English Indices of Deprivation 2015 are based on 37 separate indicators, organised across seven distinct domains of deprivation which are combined, using appropriate weights, to calculate the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2015 (IMD 2015). This is an overall measure of multiple deprivation experienced by people living in an area and is calculated for every Lower layer Super Output Area (LSOA), or neighbourhood, in England. Every such neighbourhood in England is ranked according to its level of deprivation relative to that of other areas.
Employment Deprivation 22.5%
Health Deprivation and Disability 13.5%
Education Skills and Training Deprivation 13.5%
Crime 9.3%
Living Environment Deprivation 9.3%
Barriers to Housing and Services 9.3%

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